Stages of Consciousness: My Journey as a Muslim

Spiritual people pass through certain stages of consciousness on their journey to God. I write this to share my journey with you all.

For me, it started off as an unexpected interest in Islam, the religion I was “born” into. I started reading the Quran, and I was hooked. This is what I would call the first stage in the journey – the introduction. You come to know about the stark differences between what God says in the Quran, and what is widely believed by your community and your religious peers. You are judgmental. You take great delight in debating, and proving other people wrong. A sense of superiority reigns over you. You want to save people from the endless doom of the fire. Unfortunately, and I say this with my deepest regrets, most religious people just do not grow past this stage: a judgmental bigot who annoys anyone who holds even a slightly different point of view.

Then, if you’re lucky (and I sure was!), you meet people who challenge your beliefs and ask you logical explanations of why you believe certain things. This is new to you, certainly! Does belief warrant a logical explanation, you think to yourself? You ponder, and come across the many verses from the Quran that advocate skepticism and critical thinking. Now, you have to unlearn the things you have programmed yourself to believe in, and look at it from a rational perspective. It’s very difficult initially, mind you! You’re in tatters! Could God really allow men to beat women, for example? Your inner voice immediately says no.

This is the second stage. You realize that perhaps you, yourself has a lot to learn from others. Differences of opinion are now regarded as food for thought, no longer a front where you could correct others. It is a stage of uncertainty; you feel a hollow void within yourself desperately asking God to provide answers to your endless questions. This agony lasts for a while.

Suddenly, you have a eureka moment. Everything starts falling into it’s place. You no longer accept the translations of the Quran as perfect; instead you interpret the Quran for yourself through a range of different exercises. You realize the inconsistencies that lie within these translations, and thank God for opening your eyes towards Truth.

Fear is no longer a motive for believing in God, unconditional love is. You no longer help other people to get rewards, but simply because they are your brethren in humanity and are in need. And this is where the soul really blossoms! You no longer behave as an “I know it all” bigot, for differences are God’s signs (30:22)! Labels don’t matter, anymore. Only character does. Needless to say, you are no longer interested in endless debates, for you realize that they are only a clash of egos. An inner serenity overwhelms you. This, I believe is the third stage. The farthest I have walked yet.

Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness yet become something so beautiful!

Be water, my friend. Evolve!



21 thoughts on “Stages of Consciousness: My Journey as a Muslim

  1. Hi,

    I just found your blog and I really enjoy reading your posts. This blog post of yours sounds similar to my journey to God/Quran alone. I was born into a Sunni household but never felt any connection with Traditional “muslim” teachings. But there was one thing, I was always drawn to the idea of our Creater/God and the Quran, Once I read the Quran in English (and I am still reading), I got hooked too, it;s so surprising how all the moralistic principles I held are actually present in the Quran.

    I’m so happy to see this blog and I look forward to reading more enlightening posts of yours.

    Nice to see a believer dedicating their time and effort for the sake of God.


  2. Pingback: Quran: The Book That Weeps, Hidden Inside Its Shelf! | Muslim Reformation

  3. Salam brother, I’m recently going through this transition. My journey with Islam started as someone having a conservative/salafi view but with time I’ve seen the error in my ways, mostly logical fallacies. My views regarding Islam and the whole world in general is quite liberal now. InshaAllah, I believe my journey will be complete when I’ll be able to maintain a balance between faith and rationality. Keep up the good work mate 🙂


  4. We are supposed to enter HIS heaven but our elders seem never bother to teach us how to give salam to The Almighty, ” assalamualaikum o’ Allah aza wajalla”. And our bodies are HIS Creations, we are just borrowers, yet we never been taught to give thanks to The Almighty for our bodies and lives. We used it without HIS permission. We are all thieves. Say to HIM, “Thank you Allah for this great body and great life.


  5. Hi Ro!
    I always enjoy reading your articles; they are so focused and pleasant to read 🙂

    It made me smile, because I recognized myself in these stages. Don’t forget to let us know the next stage you experience 😀 I’m sure it will be very interesting to share with all of us, and for all of us.

    Again thank you !


  6. Pingback: The Fall And Rise Of Adam: How It Speaks To Me! | Muslim Reformation

  7. One big lesson I had to learn as a volunteer was when to not help someone. Actually, there are more reasons not to help than we realize. We are told to “be kind, help others, etc.” but there is much that each of us must go through in order to learn what we need to learn. Sometimes when we help someone, we rob them of a much needed lesson. This is true of both spiritual and physical help. There is a thin line we must walk between our need to be loved, to have a “worthy life,” etc. and allowing others to discover what is right for them. I find I must carefully examine my intention…why do I want to do this thing? What need will I satisfy? How will me doing it affect those involved? Thanks for sharing this article with me. It is well written and thought provoking. I am happy our paths have crossed. It is one of the joys of the Internet to discover lovely people from around the world. Keep writing. You are helping us all to look more deeply at what our “truths” are. Hugs, pat


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